
Informacja i rejestracja

(+48) 071 340 00 21

ul. Mickiewicza 91, 51-685 Wrocław

Czynne: Pn-Pt od 8:00 do 16:00

WroMedica is located in buildings constructed in the 30’s which form a part of the original urban planning scheme of Sępolno, whose contours make the shape of an eagle.

After the World War II the buildings served as a seat and – what became a nuisance for the neighbours – a garage for the Sparta Motorcycle Speedway Club. This is why in our gallery we present the people who brought speedway success to Wrocław, and the later history of the building which, having undergone complicated full-scale renovation, became a seat of an advanced healthcare institution. The building got its second chance and we hope that we will be helpful and agreeable neighbours.




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